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  • 作家相片Yi-Hsien Tan

[Challenge] 2023 Challenges


I'm sure many of you have heard of new year resolutions. Often times they became something that are "all talk and no action". In 2023, let's make a difference! This year, you can take on our 2023 Challenges and win prizes up to 4 TIMES throughout the year! Prizes are all personalized for you, so we're sure you'll love it!

The rules are simple:

  1. Collect 4 badges by completing 4 different activities below during each quarter of the year (Jan - Mar, Apr - Jun, Jul - Sep, Oct - Dec) to exchange for rewards!

  2. Rewards can only be claimed ONCE every quarter.

  3. Badges can be carried forward to the next quarter, so don't worry, your effort won't go to waste!

Here's the activity list:

Write 3 poems about learning a language.

Participate in an AmazingTalker story contest.

Write a book review for a book you're reading.

Join Express Yourself Better Challenge.

Attend a mock interview event.

Be a guest speaker for a free chat event.

Claim monthly checkpoint session 3 times.

Have a trial lesson with a native speaker on Melody's team.

Attend free chat 3 times.

Make a short video in English about what you like the most when you're learning with Melody (30secs - 1 min).

Take at least five 1:1 lessons or join at least five of any one of the group courses.

Here's a study plan example for the year!

If you have any question, feel free to contact us!

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